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Q: Can you swallow soboxin and have same effect?
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What does soboxin look like?

light orange stop sign

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They swallow up your house

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The same

What Homonym of swallow?

A homonym of "swallow" is "swallow," which can refer to either the action of ingesting food or drink, or to the bird species of the same name. Homonyms are words that are spelled and pronounced the same but have different meanings.

If you chew food but don't swallow it do you still gain the calories?

different food can effect this....but if you don't swallow it you dont gain calories. yep

Is a swallow and a purple martin the same bird?


Can you use heroin when you take a 4mg of soboxin without getting sick?

Depends how you react to it - talk to your GP

How long does soboxin stay in your system?

From what i understand, my Dr. has informed me that soboxin can stay in a persons system up to ten days depending on the dosage a person takes and how long you have been taking it. I have personally been on soboxin since July 2008. Dosage varies from person to person. My original opiate was methadone and percocet for several months. Soboxin has totally helped be opiate free. In the next few months I would like to get off soboxin also because it is costly if you dont have insurance. Also, it is an opiate base drug, used for chronic useres of opiates. Sincerely, Helene Brooks

What is side effect when a woman swallow sperm several times?

She would be extremely happy!!