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Q: Can you sleep off a hangover and feel fine the next day?
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What are the symptoms of an LSD hangover?

LSD has next to no hangover effects, other than being really tired the next day or so.

Ok you drunk some alcohol last night and got a hangover?

Next time drink in moderation and you won't get a hangover.

What is the main feeling when somebody is drunk?

when you are drunk you feel tipsy or angry and your head feels heavy but when you wake up the next day you have a hangover depends of what kind of drunk you are!!!

What does the game's MVP get to do the next day after the super bowel?

Get a hangover

After a night of drinking my body hurts. Why?

It's called a hangover. Alcohol is a type of poison. The next day as the body tries to metabolise the alcohol, a person may feel ill.

I have a question Well one second Ill be fine but then the next I feel like theres a giant weight being pushed onto my body I can breathe fine but I feel like I can't move Is something wrong?

If you feel fine one second, and then the next you feel like there is a weight on your chest, this could be anxiety. Anxiety can cause severe panic attacks, and other disorders that can make a person suffer for a really long time.

Why do you sleep terrible when your boyfriend isn't next to you?

it's the same as when a child loses it's comfort object. you feel empty inside.

Why do you feel dizzy and tired and can't focus on studying the next day if you go to sleep after 12 pm?

If you feel tired and can't focus after getting to sleep after 12 pm. you probably did not get enough sleep. If you are dizzy, it could be due to lack of sleep, but it might also be due to other factors. The best thing to do is go to sleep earlier, and if the dizziness and tiredness persists, go to the doctor for a check-up.

Is it normal for 13 year old girls to sleep in the same bed?

well yeah it is they sleep in the same bed sometimes at sleepovers but it's not like they take there cloths of and have sex they are sleeping next to each other in a bed it is fine.

If i took half a hit of e around 7 pm and smoked while coming down is there any chance I'll be able to sleep before 2 or 3 am?

It actually depends on the content of the pill. I've taken ones that didn't allow me to sleep till 7 in the morning. and I've had those that gave me no hangover at all the next day.

How long does it hurt after you get your cartilage pierced?

No way to tell. Depends on location, if you hit it, how you care for it, if you sleep on it. Cartilage percings can be fine one day and flare up the next.

Why do people eat then go sleep?

I think people like to sleep peacefully. When you are full, you feel rather sleepy! The people who do that like to wake up the next morning fully rested.(Either that or they are just hungry.)