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You can put garlic under your arms, but it will not stop underarm odor. It will create the unpleasant smell of pits AND garlic.

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Q: Can you put garlic under your arms to stop underarm odor?
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Is josh Ivan morales has an underarm odor?

no, he does not have an underarm odor. i think it is natural for men to have a smell especially after physical activity.

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Underarm smells at age 7?

Body odor is related to bacteria. Clean under your arms well, and shower daily. Use a soap that helps with bacteria. If the odor persists, see a doctor. Early puberty may be a factor, or the dr. might just tell you to invest in some deodorant!

What is deodorant?

it is an odor free spray for under the arms.

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use deodorant every morning and your underarm odors will be invisible.

What is highly toxic and has the distinct odor of garlic?

Arsenic is highly toxic and has the distinct odor of garlic. This is not to be confused with cyanide, which is toxic and has the odor of bitter almonds.

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What caused Underarm odor?

well, when you sweat, all parts of your body become wet, and all parts of the wet, sweaty parts begin to sweat. so its not JUST underarm odor, its all over your body. your underarms are just emphasized in everyday society because if your hugging someone or give someone a highfive...or even just move, then your using your arms (and ampits, of course) and that will smell. that's why deoderant was invented. bless whoever did.