Well, there is not a machine but it is possible to turn boys into girls....
I guess you could....
well you can, but its not a machine ant it cost over 20k
it turns them on ;)
Witch one turns you on
it is so simple boys to girls . who is the people to ask out , boys ask girls . girls do not ask boys.
If there are 125 boys and 25 girls, then the ratio of boys to girls would be 5:1.
17 boys 26 girls
Boys have more energy them girls. Girls are tame. Boys aren't as may people can see.
Girls only make babys because of their orgainism they have. If boys had babys their will be more of them or an equall amount of girls an boys. Boys an girls come from different sex .Which means they have two different body parts or privite areas. Only tran sex man or women would be able too have babys only if the man turns into a women, or if the women turns into a man.
8 to 7.
because girls are nicer and boys are meaner
100 boys. Ratio boys to girls is 2:3 ⇒ 2 parts are boys, 3 parts are girls. So there are 2 + 3 = 5 parts in all. 250 people ÷ 5 parts = 50 people per part Boys: 2 parts x 50 people per part = 100 boys Girls: 3 parts x 50 people per part = 150 girls