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Q: Can you make a machine that turns boys into girls?
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Can you make a machine that turns people boys into girls?

Well, there is not a machine but it is possible to turn boys into girls.... I guess you could.... well you can, but its not a machine ant it cost over 20k

Why do only girls make babys and not boys?

Girls only make babys because of their orgainism they have. If boys had babys their will be more of them or an equall amount of girls an boys. Boys an girls come from different sex .Which means they have two different body parts or privite areas. Only tran sex man or women would be able too have babys only if the man turns into a women, or if the women turns into a man.

How do you produce boys instaed of girls?

If you drink beer you make boys if you drink wine you make girls

What is the difference in the reasons why girls fight and boys fight?

Girls fight for boys and boys fight for girls. Girls fight because they make themselves look hot and boys fight to make themselves look hot too.

Do promiscuous girls make life harder for girls who want to just love boys?

No, they just make boys harder.

Do boys or girls make more free throws?


Why do boys make fun of girls they have a crush on?

they make fun of them to show how funny they are or they the girls

Why do girls laugh and make fun of boys?

because girls are stupid

Do guys like it when you hump and make out with them?

Well, I have seen girls make out. And let me tell you, I loved it. Most boys love it when girls make out. It is sexy.

If there are a total of 910 students at a school and the ratio from boys to girls is 4 to 3 how many more boys than girls are in the school?

Well, if the ratio of boys to girls is 4 to 3, that means there are 4 parts boys and 3 parts girls out of a total of 7 parts. So, the boys make up 4/7 of the total students, and the girls make up 3/7. With 910 students, that means there are 520 boys and 390 girls. So, there are 130 more boys than girls in the school.

Why do the mindless behavior boys make songs about girls?

Because they like girls so they make songs about them

Do girls want to make out?

Of course they do They love boys