well you do not have to like you cousins, like me you could just pretend and move on with your life
Ask him or her.
Yes. Most people would say that you are supposed to like your cousin.
Not really. Your cousin is family.
It is OK to like your cousin. Your cousin is a relative and most people think liking your relatives is a good thing.
Talk to your cousin about this.
i do not know mabye like cousin to cousin
When you "kind of like him" you should leave it as friends. Go for his cousin!
No, you are related like it or not. But, once you are grown, you don't have to associate with your cousin if you don't want to.
If you like your cousins girlfriends kid then i think its okay since its not your cousin but you may want to discuss it with your cousin and his girlfriend first.
The Stegosauruses cousin (like any other Dinosaur) is the lizard.