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When a massage therapist works your muscles to help relax and lengthen them, they are working the muscles in such a way that it can be similar to the effects you get the next day after you have started a new exercise routine. So sometimes, after getting a massage for the first time, a person can feel sore the next day because the muscles have been manipulated in a way that encourages them to rebuild themselves stronger, just like in exercise. This is called delayed-onset pain and should not be confused with immediate-onset pain that occurs during, or right after, physical exercise or massage. If you experience pain during, or a few hours after a massage, then it was done improperly and you should consult with the massage therapist, or if severe, see your doctor. Also, you should see another massage therapist if the condition didn't work the 1st one.

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Q: Can you hurt after a massage?
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Yes indeed they are supposed to hurt. Because of the tension on how you are massaging them, it will hurt.

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You really shouldn't; it is easy to hurt someone without meaning to. At least take a weekend course offered by many massage schools to learn the basics (like never massage on bone, and certain areas of the body that can be harmful to massage, also medical conditions that are contraindicated for massage).

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I am having a massage every day for The Massage Project. So I will be able to tell you :)

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Yes. Just be gentle to avoid making them hurt worse.

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Answer Well first if it does not hurt a massage is OK. Second what are you going to massage. If it is person's head, they will let you now when to stop. Also if you go to www.howtofocusinsports. com there are some drills that might help your friend.

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Ice the area for a while. That will help relieve any inflammation.

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Safe. It may hurt at first, but if the rolfer is a professional, then everything should be fine.

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If your back hurts a lot then go to the doctors and get a massage. hope it works!

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Well you don't want to press to hard and hurt them cause you might pinch a nerve or hurt them... I'm a doctor

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Massage them! I'm a teenage girl & have 34D boobs..mine hurt all the time! Massaging them make mine feel the best in the world. Also if your in the mood..fingering yourself goes great! ;)

Hips hurt constantly and am getting stretch markswhat should i do?

try massage therapy and use cocoa butter or bath oil capsules