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Rarely, you'd need a large force trauma to occur to the uterus to cause any rupturing. That or a pre-exsisting medical condition.

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Q: Can you have a ruptured uterus without being pregnant?
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Can you be pregnant with twins lose one then get pregnant with another baby while still being pregnant with the other twin?

No. Once you are pregnant the ovulation stops and the uterus is also closed by the mucus plug.

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To have someone elses egg being put in your uterus after it's been fertilized.

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If the cat's uterus remains in tact and a full hysterectomy was not performed, then yes it is possible for her to carry the kittens to term. If she was pregnant before being spayed.Usually in that situation they will have simply severed the fallopian tubes which prevents the egg from traveling from the ovaries to the uterus.

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Yes it is possible to have an etopic pregnancy without having your tubes cut or tied it is just that the egg gets fertilized in the tube without being in your uterus. It is very painful and is a simple procedure to have removed but very hard to determine when you dont know if you are pregnant or not

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Sperm can enter the uterus through the cervix but they need to swim through the uterus and into the fallopian tubes to fertilize an egg. If there is no egg present in the fallopian tubes, the sperm will not be able to fertilize an egg.

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no of course not

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What does the uterus feel like internally during pregnancy?

That can being as early as six weeks -- sometimes early if you have been pregnant in the past. If the cramping you feel is accompanied by blood or is excrutiating, contact your OBs office at once as you could be having a miscarriage.

Will a horse have milk if not pregnant?

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