If you have never had your period, then you are either too young for your body to handle Birth Control, or there is a physical issue that needs to be checked out.
You start your new pack of pills when you finish your old pack. Lets say you had you last pill on a Wednesday, you then start your new pill on Thursday. If its your first pack you have ever taken then you either start your first pill on the day you start your period or on the Sunday during your period. At first you period will not go with the pill correctly; it my take a month or two for your period to adjust.
If you havent had your period in 7 months you probably need to go to the doctor, that is not normal.
Periods come and go, I wouldn't worry to much :)
no they havent but i hope they come
you probably missed a couple, go back and check your pill pack.
Your are suppose to start the birth control pill the Sunday after your period. If you haven't had a period its best to take a pregnancy test to make sure your not pregnant. If you test is negative then you can go to your gyne doctor and they can give you a pill to start your period.
Go to your doctor and tell them that you're worried that you havent had your period yet and it's been a month.
Go to the doctor and get some girl hormones.
You should go see your doc.
Your body has to go back into a normal cycle after stopping the pill so it make take a cycle or two for your period to become regular. Go see your doctor to help you with this.
If you just got them then i would wait until sunday or the day after you stop your period and you will start with pill number 1 then go to the sugar pills which you take while you are on your period!
Chances are she is likely pregnant. Alot of times when you go off birth control you can become pregnant, she should take a pregnancy test.