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Q: Can you get the same tan while laying on your stomach in a tanning bed?
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The same way it is on Earth. Gravity does not play a part in the food going down from your mouth to stomach. Muscles do the work. The best way of proving this is by eating while doing a handstand, or while laying your head upside down off a sofa.

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If do you mean "Can a mother duck have two nests going at the same time?" the answer is no.

How safe are the more modern tanning beds?

Tanning beds are basically the same today as they were when they were first introduced. Some people argue they are safer than tanning outside because the amount of UV light you receive is controlled. However, the exposure still cause the same cell damage.

Is the exposure to a tanning lamp the same as exposure to the sun?

No, exposure to a tanning lamp can be more harmful than exposure to the sun because tanning lamps emit concentrated levels of ultraviolet (UV) radiation, which can increase the risk of skin damage and skin cancer. It's important to limit exposure to tanning lamps and follow safety guidelines.

What are organic spray tans and where to get one?

The only difference between regular tanning beds and organic tanning beds, is that organic tanning beds are "green". This means that they use less energy to operate than a regular tanning bed. They still have the same damaging effects of UV rays.

What is the same from reptiles and birds?

laying eggs

Are home tanning beds safer than tanning outside?

I believe the risk is about the same although using a home tanning bed is more intense than being in the sun. It is best if you keep your use of a tanning bed to the recommended time limitations if you want to avoid dangerous health effects.

What is sheepskin?

Sheepskin leather is the skin of a sheep that has been tanned. Tanning preserves the leather. Tanning sheepskin is the same process as tanning cow hides, a more common type of leather. Sheepskin is finer grained than cow.

Im going tanning should you shave before you go?

It is not a requirement to shave before you go tanning because the light rays will move past the hairs. You will get the same tanning results if you shave or do not shave.

How do you dance the alligator dance by bto taking care of business?

You start clapping at chest level to the beats of the music - clap, clap, clapclapclap. Then slap on the tops of your thighs to the same rhythm. Then bang on the floor to the same rhythm. Then lay on your stomach on the floor and bang on it to the same rhythm. Then shake your right leg in the air to the same rhythm. Then shake all of your limbs in the air. Then shake your left leg in the air. Then work your way back up - banging on the floor while laying, while kneeling, slapping your thighs, clapping. Repeat until the song is finished.

Does tanning lotion give you cancer?

No tanning lotion works by moisturizing your skin and returning the vitamins and nutrients that are removed when you are sweating while tanning. You get Skin Cancer or Melanoma in tanning beds by the amounts of UVA and UVB.

Does salt water help tanning?

Salt water can help enhance tanning by drawing out moisture from the skin, allowing it to absorb more sunlight. However, excessive exposure to salt water can also dehydrate the skin, leading to sunburn. It's important to use sunscreen and stay hydrated while tanning in salt water.