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No, not at all. If there are a lot of them you may taste them, but you will never taste just a few. They are a hearty source of protein so will actually be beneficial to you. Do you know that in all frozen and dehydrated food you are eating bugs any way, you just don't know. The average person in the west eats around a pound of bugs every year, they just do not realise it. Other cultures value bugs of all types as part of local cuisine. They are the smart ones, more protein per pound than any 'meat' we eat.

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Q: Can you get sick from eating aphids?
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Yes, you can get sick from it. Maybe not in human form, but in animal form. Aphids are known as a parasite. My own dog has been sick for a week because the aphids are falling out of the trees. They land in her food and water bowl, she eats or drinks them. She has been sick for a week now after the parasites started falling out of the trees.

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It could be nematodes or aphids eating your chrysanthemums.

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Nothing, they help farmers by eating the aphids that eat their crops.

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Where to get Aphids,Scales, and Mites=If your wondering where to get aphids,scales,and mites for a ladybug, since it is said that ladybugs are a gardener's best friend for eating the aphids,scales,and mites, your most likely to find the things above on flowers,leaves,grass,and trees.=

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No, infact they help plants by eating aphids that damage plants.

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How controlling some animal harmful animals?

By eating them, mostly. For example, a ladybug can eat hundreds of aphids a day, thereby saving the plant from being sucked dry by the aphids.

Are aphids producers omnivores or detritivores?

Aphids are considered herbivores, as they feed on plant sap. They are not omnivores (eating both plants and animals) or detritivores (feeding on decaying matter).