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Can you get sick eating old brown rice

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Q: Can you get sick from eating old brown rice?
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What are the dangers of eating days old rice?

Well, depends on the situation. If the rice is not cooked: There probably is none If the meal has been frozen: If the rice is less than 2 months old, you'll be right If the rice was in the fridge: After about 2 weeks in the fridge bacteria will develope If your meal was sitting on the bench: After a couple of days, your rice will begin to grow mould and eating it could result in an upset stomach, on possibly diarrhea if your unlucky. Though there are also more dangerous risks, like salmonella (if there has been meat in it) or food poisining, both requiring your stomach to be pumped.

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Try it? Fresh rice tastes significantly better than day-old refrigerated rice.

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Eating old carrots may not make you sick, but they can have a bad taste or texture due to spoilage. However, if the carrots have mold or a foul odor, it's best to discard them to avoid potential foodborne illness.

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It depends how the fish was kept, if frozen no you can not get sick but keep in mind the longer it sits in the freezer the taste of most soft meats will be effective. If the fish is kept outside yes you can get sick as bacteria will invade the meat.

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Beans, brown rice, seeds, and vegetables.

How can you get your sick 10 week old kitten to start eating more?

When they are sick (if it is cat flu) they will not have appetite since their sense of smell will fade. You have to take your cat to a veterinarian to give you a recipe for your cat to be healthy again, and he will start eating again.

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I don't know but I do know that if your house is a old house and the paint is old your dog might get sick but even if its one day old paint or fresh paint it will most likely still get sick. If your dog is or does get sick you might want to take your dog to the vet

Can you get sick eating fresh mushrooms if they are more than one week old?

If they are ordinary (eg brown, closed cup etc) and they have been kept in the fridge, they go a bit wrinkly over time, but I'd eat them! You can eat the but they can not be classed as fresh. Fresh means as picked, for mushrooms, one week is old.