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yes you can because it is not good for you to breathe on

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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Q: Can you get sick from breathing fumes of decaying animal?
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Can you get sick breathing in rubber fumes?

yes, yes you can

Explains why acetone should not be left uncovered?

Because it is highly flammable. it is poisonous and can make a person breathing the fumes very sick, and because it will evaporate if you do and you will have to buy more of it.

Can you get sick from breathing on someone?

if the person is sick, and you are close enough to the person, then yes you can get sick. But if you are sick and you breath on someone, then that person could get sick. If you or the person who you are breathing on are both healthy, then it would be hard to get sick, in fact if someone is going to get sick, then it will be the person who you are breathing on.

Can you get sick from breathing chicken feces?

You can get sick from breathing is any kind of feces if you breath it in long enough.

What helps you when you are sick from paint fumes?

Fresh air!!! and water.

When you burn creosote from an outside fire can the fumes make you sick?

Any fumes may be dangerous but this depends on the chemical nature of the fumes, dimension of particles, time of exposition, concentration in the atmosphere.

What is your dog sick with?

*cold*breathing problems*weather can make a dog sick

Can paint fumes make a baby sick?

While paint fumes should not make a baby horribly ill, I would not recommend having a baby inhale paint fumes for a long period of time. In adults, paint fumes are known to cause headaches by irritating the nose and throat nerves. So I would suggest, if you have painted and cannot avoid having the baby around paint fumes, to open a window or put a fan in the room to help air out the space. for more information:

Can glue fumes from work make you sick?

Yes, inhaling strong glue fumes can cause dizziness, headache, nausea, and throat irritation. Prolonged exposure to these fumes can lead to more serious health issues. It is important to work in a well-ventilated area and take breaks to minimize exposure.

Could Breathing antifreeze fumes make you sick?

Though antifreeze products contain ethylene glycol which could cause toxicity if swallowed, it is unlikely that brief and accidental exposure to fumes would result in significant problems as an insufficient amount of the antifreeze would actually be absorbed into the body.

What are the risk from fumes in sealing concrete?

You can get dizzy and pass out. You can also become sick to your stomach. If you breathe too many fumes into your lungs it can cause problems.

How can smoking make you sick?

it can't. it's so healthy for your body ngl. all them fumes