Technically, yes, you can, but you have to eat an absolutely gargantuan, inhuman amount of it. The only marijuana death I have ever heard of was a 5 year-old girl who died after eating a pound (yes, a pound) of marijuana that her mother had baked into some brownies. It was something our sociology professor mentioned in one of our classes.
- Either he was lied to or he's lying. By the time you ingest an ounce you would get super baked, get dizzy and throw it all up before your body could digest anymore of it...your body simply can't take enough weed to kill you before you either pass out get bored of eating it or throw it all up and feel sick...either way you wouldn't be able to fit any more then a ounce in you before you start rejecting me, I stole a plant and learned the hard way. It's impossible to die from it no matter what your age...the younger you are the less you can digest before throwing it back up even the most hardcore stoner couldn't eat a pound...if you have ever seen a pound of weed in your life you KNOW it's impossible to devour the whole thing, it's bigger than your stomach.
My professor was a she, actually. Well, it's possible I misunderstood. This is just something she mentioned offhand one time in class, and it was seven years ago. But my understanding is that the girl didn't die from marijuana toxicity -- that is impossible for all practical purposes -- but rather from the extreme physiological effects it produced, being such a huge amount on such a young child who had absolutely no tolerance to it. That is what I read while researching this question and similar questions.
And she didn't ingest a pound of marijuana, it was a pound of marijuana brownies. Which are made by cooking the plant in butter, and then using the butter to make brownies. So you can easily put a pound of weed into one large batch of brownies. You just have to make the butter very, very concentrated.
Yes, some people do get sick from the effects of smoking and/or the marijuana.
probably.... lol :)
yes but it needs to be subscribed
you may get high but probably not sick depending on the strain
It depends on how you are cooking. If you are using the pot just for stirring, you might get sick. If you are cooking on a grill, stove, or anything that gives off heat, the germs and dirt on the dirty pot will burn up and you will not get sick.
depends if you like the smell ,but no
Marijuana itself doesn't make someone sick in the traditional sense. Some people may experience adverse effects like paranoia, anxiety, or nausea from using marijuana, but itβs not the same as making them physically sick. If someone is having a negative reaction to marijuana, it's best to stop using it and seek medical help if necessary.
no they really sick though
If you are nauseous. YES. Alcohol hangover? YES.
Marijuana can get you sick cuz when its growing germs get on the bud and when you smoke it the germs get into your body and you get sick if you have not had the germ.
Its psychological. Some people are wheezy from the thought of touching a dead animal carcass. If they get sick from cooking it, maybe they're not cooking it correctly and need to find the correct cooking temperatures for that spcific type of meat.