You can get mono from anyone. It is like any other virus. Chances are you've probably already had mono while you were a child and don't remember it, so the likelihood of you getting it is low.
2 days after eating something containing mono & diglycerides, my muscles begin to cease up, tightening until they tear or dislocate my joints
It cannot be treated but it's symptoms can. Keep hydrated, sleep, relax. Go to the hospital if your airway is closing.
Mono is an STD. It can be transfered by the obvous. But it is called the kissing disease and can be transfered by kissing, or by having blood get into your system, ie. blood from a cut getting into a cut you have
YES.....surprisingly, sleep is one of the main aspects of good health. I am no doctor, but i do know that lack of sleep can cause damage to the body. 8-10 hours of sleep every night is an ideal amount.....SLEEP IS IMPORTANT
Mono is an STD. It can be transfered by the obvous. But it is called the kissing disease and can be transfered by kissing, or by having blood get into your system, ie. blood from a cut getting into a cut you have
I had mono with severe swelling/puffiness of the eyes. The swelling was severe for about two weeks, and then gradually went down over the next month. The fatigue lasted for about 6-8 weeks. I had a very severe case of mono so I don't know if my experience is typical.
From direct physical contact with an infected person. It was called the kissing disease years ago. You can even get it by sharing a glass or a straw or utensils when eating and drinking. It is a viral infection, caused by Epstein-barr. It is commonly known as the kissing disease.You would get it through saliva.
Two biotic interactions that take place in the Mono Lake ecosystem are shrimp eating microscopic algae and the birds eating the flies in the Mono Lake.
Don't share saliva. Kissing was the "cute" way of discussing this infectious virus. Toothbrushes, eating utensils, straws and drinking from the same cup or biting off the same cheeseburger are all ways to spread mono.
last time my teacher just said their mono. Buddhism is the one that's poly.
Mono is like single or alone, so it's mono mono, all my life I'll be mono, I'm alone and it's good to me, mono, from love I run away, mono... That's the chorus atleast