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Yes. The effects will be less intense and will take longer to take effect. Also, meth will have a strong, bitter taste that is unpleasant.

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Q: Can you get high off of Crystel Meth by eating it?
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Do people get high from slamming their own urine containing meth?

First off dont use meth, second urine will not make you high unless you already put a substance in te urine. First off dont use meth, second urine will not make you high unless you already put a substance in te urine.

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Can mybulen tablets give you a positive for meth?

If you've used mybulen with an infusion of meth to take the edge off, sure.

Why can't you get high on meth anymore?

You CAN get high on meth. Meth produces a euphoric stimulant high similar to cocaine. In other words, it gives you an incredibly powerful rush of energy -- you can easily stay up for three days straight, or more -- and the indescribable sensation that the whole world is totally perfect and completely laid out at your feet. That's why drugs like meth and cocaine and opiates are so addictive. No matter how horrible your life situation is, you feel AWESOME when you're high. For some people, it's the only happiness they can find. And it's incredibly hard to give that up and rebuild a life that they can get natural, drug-free happiness, or at least contentment, from. So, you can indeed get high on meth. People wouldn't do it if you couldn't.

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it means you have to lay off the meth

Does meth block your opiate withdrawl symptoms?

First off, it depends what meth you are talking about. METHADONE does block opiate withdrawal symptoms and is used to get people off of herion or other opiates. If you are talking about methamphetamine, than no. Methamphetamine will actually make opiate withdrawal worse at times, but it may make it easier to deal with them during the "high" of methamphetamine because of how powerful of a drug it is.

Can you take Medication when your coming down when your on meth.?

yes you can . everyone gets it different when there coming down off of meth. some get really bad he-ahead's drink milk.

Will your cat get sick after eating raw bacon?

It is unlikely, if the cat is healthy and if eating bacon was a one-off. However, bacon is very high in salt which could harm the cat if fed regularly.

Why does meth cause lower back pain?

The reason meth causes back and even body pains is because when you are coming off meth it makes you extremely tense, and when you're tense you can't relax so ever muscle is contracting and after awhile it becomes painful

How long does a hairstrand test show meth?

Until it's grown out and been trimmed off.

What is meaning of lay off the crack pipe?

Quit acting crazy.

Does eating meat daily make you fat?

Primarily only if the meat is high in fat, and/or you do not burn off the calories that you consume throughout the day.