yes you can . everyone gets it different when there coming down off of meth. some get really bad he-ahead's drink milk.
Your ringworm may keep coming back if you do not take your medication for the duration of the time prescribed. It is very important to always finish your medication.
No; bupropion/welbutrin will not show up as meth or amphetamines. It is neither. I know this also because I take it every day (prescribed) and all my UA's have been clean. It doesn't have the same metabolic breakdown or chemistry structure close to either meth or amphetamines. You should be safe.
No, it will help counteract the effects of the meth and slow your heart rate down.
Well I guess that's a opinionated question. But my opinion is meth, cause it makes you ugly. And the fact that when meth labs blow up they can take down there entire street with them.
first of all "crystal meth" is methamphetamine cooked in a rock or 'crystal' form..meth can be found in a prescription drug called desoxyn which contains 5mg of methamphetamine hydrochlorideused as a last resort for severe ADHD or short-term treatment for yeah you'll probably get tested positiveyou WILL get tested positive for meth if you take a meth-based ecstasy pill
is it safe to mix meth and klonopin together
easy quit doing meth
is penicillin effected while using meth
Can u take asprin for a head ache while on crystal meth
Yeah so they will calm the hell down!