Yes.Especially when you sleep with it on because its stopping your breast from growing which is probably why you have to stuff your bra in the first place
No, you can not get cancer from stuffing your bra, unless your using electrical tape, that could cause a rash and possibly cancer
wear a padded bra
NEVER!!!! you cant get any cancer by wearing a bra!
The color of your bra has no affect on breast cancer risk.
to make your boobs look bigger you could try stuffing your bra with tissue x
i don't think so . its better than stuffing
No you cant get cancer but it will shrink your boobs...
Depends. Some people have said if you are sleeping with a bra on, you could get breast cancer and less worse, breast pain. The Genie Bra has no hooks, compared to others. There is a higher chance of getting breast cancer. So I say there is no chance of getting cancer, but maybe pain. That's it.
Getting breast cancer has nothing to with wearing a bra.
Chris Kellie Paige Megan and falon all think so. So yes
If you are stuffing your bra, it doesnt matter if you have padding in it or not, but padding will give your breasts a fuller look along with stuffing. I don't recommend stuffing, mostly because if its not done properly it can look uneven and obviously fake. If you're insecure about your breast size, like me, you should really check out Victoria's Secret. They have tons of bras that can make you look fuller, like push-ups, padded, and more. They really know what they're talking about. I hope this has helped. :)