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Pure calcium is hard to find. But things like oyster shells have calcium in them.

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Q: Can you find calcium in nature?
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Would you find calcium uncombined in nature?

egg shels

Is calcium inorganic or organic in nature?

inorganic in nature

Where can calcium be found in nature?


What forms when soil reacts with calcium chloridem?

When the soil reacts with calcium chloride ,the soil nature changes. It becomes alkaline in nature.

Would you expect to find Calcium uncombined in nature?

yes because it id a natural element and you would get it and make milk out of it

How is calcium found in nature?

Calcium is found in nature primarily in the form of compounds such as calcium carbonate (in limestone and marble), calcium sulfate (in gypsum), and calcium phosphate (in bones and teeth). It can also be found in various minerals and in seawater.

How common is calcium?

it is very common to the nature

Is calcium in the earth's crust?

Yes, calcium is present in the Earth's crust as one of the most abundant elements. It is primarily found in minerals such as calcite, dolomite, and gypsum. Calcium plays a vital role in various geological processes and is essential for the formation of rocks and minerals.

Is calcium found in nature?

Yes, in coral reefs and limestones.

What uses does calcium have?

you can find calcium in your bones and teeth

What metal has a carbonate found in nature called chalk?

Calcium is the metallic component of the substance limestone. Limestone, or calcium carbonate, is an example of a sedimentary rock.

Are lime stones neutral?

Limestones are mostly made up of Calcite or Calcium Carbonate (CaCO3). Calcium Carbonate is basic in nature.