

Best Answer

yes because it id a natural element and you would get it and make milk out of it

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Q: Would you expect to find Calcium uncombined in nature?
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Would you find calcium uncombined in nature?

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No, lithium is not typically found in nature as an uncombined element. It is usually found combined with other elements in minerals such as spodumene and lepidolite.

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Calcium is in group 2/IIA, so the other elements in that group would be expected to behave most like calcium.

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You get salt at the bottom of the pan!

Water in central Texas comes from the Edwards Aquifer and tends to be hard. Which of the following would you expect to find in this water?

A. Calcium ions (APEX)

What do you call metals that are uncombined with other elements?

Metals that are uncombined with other elements are commonly referred to as native metals. These metals are typically found in nature in their pure metallic form without being chemically bonded to other elements.

What type of chemical bond would you expect between a calcium atom Ca atomic number twenty and a chlorine atom Cl atomic number seventeen?

You would expect an ionic bond between a calcium atom (Ca) and a chlorine atom (Cl) due to the large difference in electronegativity between the two atoms. Calcium will donate electrons to chlorine, resulting in the formation of Ca2+ and Cl- ions that will be attracted to each other due to their opposite charges.

Would you expect to find calcium metal used in conducting wire or structural materials?

Calcium metal is not typically used in conducting wire due to its high reactivity with moisture and oxygen. However, calcium is used in some structural materials, such as certain alloys and as a deoxidizer in steel production.

Which term describes a metal found in an uncombined form?

The metal would be known as an elemental. Metal is most commonly found in nature as an ore, a mixture of the metal and other elements. Most metals are not found in their elemental form, copper being one of the exceptions.