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Gas fumes can definitely make you feel light headed and nauseated. You need to seek medical attention if the feeling does not go away.

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βˆ™ 10y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

Yes it can only if your are allergic to the scent.

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Q: Can you feel light headed and nausea from gas fumes?
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It usually means you're light-headed. It could and might mean you have a fever. But it rarely does. When you feel light-headed, as you said, your brain feels like it jumps around. I cannot explain scientifically, but if you lay down and sleep, it should go away. You usually feel light-headed when you play on the computer too much, or are going into a sickness or coming out of one. Hope this is helpful. <3

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Yes, it is possible you could feel light headed. I gauged my ears once and I didn't only become light headed, I had a serious migraine. This isn't because of pain, it is just a small form of shock. Your body is like "Woah! Something just went through me" so headaches, dizziness, light headed, vommiting, etc. CAN occurr. It just depends on your body.

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It depends if they really dont feel good or they feel light headed or something like that

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Because your brain is screaming for your stomach to eat so you can have a BIGGER brain!:)

Can being hungry cause you to feel nauseous?

Yes , it can also make you dizzy , light headed , and inpaired.