Psilocybin is capable of permanently modifying brain cells. This will affect male sperm in the long term, since a person can never forget past experiences with mushrooms.
Males make only one kind of sperm. They make the sperm that their species requires for reproduction.
can you say SUPER SPERM!!!!!!!!!
no she males do not have sperm because they are not in the male gender
The only thing that can affect the outcome of your gender of your pregnancy is the males sperm. Your baby's gender is predetermined by the genetics in your partners sperm. There is nothing you can do to to alter your baby's gender.
when the testicles are not undescended it affects the temperature which causes infertility due to no sperm production.Adult males with cryptorchidism typically have lower sperm counts and produce sperm of poorer quality than men with normal testicles
Only males have sperm. There is no such thing as female sperm.
the males sperm and yes as long as you have had your period
Yes, but they have a lower sperm count.
Testes ,ovaries