The only thing that can affect the outcome of your gender of your pregnancy is the males sperm. Your baby's gender is predetermined by the genetics in your partners sperm. There is nothing you can do to to alter your baby's gender.
The best place to get help in getting pregnant is from your Doctor. If you are having 'successful' sex and are not getting pregnant it could be that there is some hidden problem which is causing a problem, which your doctor will be able to help with and then refer you if you need further tests.
that maybe shes underage of getting pregnant by an older boy
The best recommended way to get pregnant or conceive is to find out when you are ovulating and try. The days you are ovulating are the days you are most fertile.
in the state of illinois can a 18 year old boy get in trouble for getting a 15 year old girl pregnant even if they are in a relationship
Both the BabyCenter website and WebMD have some great tips for people who are trying to get pregnant quickly. A doctor or OB/GYN could also advise you. The best advice? To relax.
Yes, you can get in trouble for getting someone pregnant. It may not be criminal, but there are going to be reprocussions.
If you're having trouble getting pregnant, talking to your doctor is the best first step to take. Your doctor can rule out anything that might be keeping you from getting pregnant. If you find out either you or your partner are not able to reproduce, fertility clinics exist to help you become pregnant.
Many pregnancy related web sites are chock full of helpful tips. One tip that most couples miss is: applying for supplemental health insurance before getting pregnant. When you apply preconception your benefit for normal delivery may triple the premium you pay, creating up to eight weeks of maternity leave income.
You can go to jail for that!!
Yes. On top of getting pregnant, the 23 yo woman would get arrested for Statuatory Rape of the 15 yo boy (even the sex was consensual).