Any medication if taken incorrectly can hurt you. In fact just about anything can hurt or kill you if taken to excess.
Always take it as prescribed by your doctor.
Unless it has an STD, then no it is harmless.
Unless it has an STD, then no it is harmless.
Strange it should still hurt after medication
It doesn't hurt any more than with protection, you just run the risk of HIV or any other STD.
No! but it can give you multiple diseases and std's depending on if their clean or not!
It should not hurt. You may want to see a doctor. Pain in the urethra of your genital may be a sign of an STD or sexually transmitted disease.
I would suggest you wait til you are done with the medication for your STD. Peircing anything loads you immune system down and if you are trying to get rid of an STD then piercing should be the last thing you need to worry about.
Probably anal warts - an STD. See a doctor.
Giving Ivomect to a 75 pound dog needs to be done through a shot. This is a medication for heartworms and it could hurt them if they are given the medication orally.
Aspirin for your headache while you sit there and worry if you have an STD or gotten someone pregnant.
Yes. Its a highly dangerous medication. Only take it as perscribed
Sorry, But unless you have been completely knocked out with gas or medication, yes it will hurt. And even with the anisthetic, it still hurts :(