If you had your period, it isn't necessarily your period. You could be having a miscarriage. So even if you did have your period, it could possibly be having trouble caring for your baby and having him die. I'm sorry :/
You could be pregnant - take a test
Yes you can get pregnant while on your period -
Ten days after a period is the optimum time to conceive. So 2 weeks is about right. Congratulations.
you might be pregnant
Yes you might be pregnant.
you are not pregnant, or else your body believes that you are not pregnant
If you had a period after you had sex, you're not pregnant. The uterus is shedding its lining, which, if you were pregnant, it would keep to nourish the embryo.
You ARE pregnant
alright this is the first thing every women who starts her period or already has it that you cant just predict when your period will come it is unpredictable it does not mean your pregnant if your period came 4 days late then it came on the 5 day then you are all right it means nothing now if you missed the whole month that you were supposed to have your period than you might be pregnant.
you could be pregnant but there is a chance that it just came later then schedule, Your period will do that. if a week has gone by since you should have started your period i would contact your doctor to see if you are pregnant or not