Swallowing hydrogen peroxide can cause irritation to the stomach lining, leading to symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain. It's best to seek medical advice or contact Poison Control immediately if you have swallowed hydrogen peroxide.
He swallowed him whole, and alive.
A+ She swallowed hot coals she put hot coal in her mouth she swallowed fire
Peroxide is a powerful poison but will not cause a miscarriage and may indeed kill the mother or make her extremely ill.
Hydrogen peroxide can damage human cells by creating oxidative stress, but our cells have enzymes like catalase that help break down hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen, minimizing its harmful effects. Additionally, human cells have mechanisms to repair the damage caused by hydrogen peroxide.
If hydrogen peroxide is ingested in large amounts, it can be toxic and potentially fatal. However, inhaling or exposing the skin to small amounts of hydrogen peroxide typically only causes mild irritation or discomfort.
Hydrogen peroxide can be diluted with water and used as a gargle but should never be swallowed. In the event you do swallow concentrated hydrogen peroxide, drink water and DO NOTattempt to vomit. Contact your physician should you begin to feel ill.
yes, the chemicals will kill the chicks if a lot is swallowed.
No. If it were that easy aids wouldn't be an epidemic in some countries.