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Q: What if you accidentally swallowed a solution of 1 tablespoon hydrogen peroxide with 3 tablespoon water will that be harmful?
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You accidentally swallowed hydrogen peroxide will it make you sick?

Swallowing hydrogen peroxide can cause irritation to the stomach lining, leading to symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain. It's best to seek medical advice or contact Poison Control immediately if you have swallowed hydrogen peroxide.

Is swallowing hydrogen peroxide safe?

Hydrogen peroxide can be diluted with water and used as a gargle but should never be swallowed. In the event you do swallow concentrated hydrogen peroxide, drink water and DO NOTattempt to vomit. Contact your physician should you begin to feel ill.

Can you use peroxide near eyes?

No, it is not safe to use hydrogen peroxide near the eyes as it can cause irritation, burning, and potential damage to the delicate eye tissues. If accidentally exposed to hydrogen peroxide, rinse the eye with lukewarm water immediately and seek medical attention.

I gave my dog 500mg Tylenol. is he going to die?

Tylenol is fatal to dogs at even smaller dosages, please take him to the vet immediately and he can be saved.Immediately give the pet1 tablespoon of Hydrogen Peroxide. Wait 15 minutes to see if the dog vomits.If not give the dog one slice of bread, and another 1 tablespoon of Hydrogen Peroxide.

Is Hydrogen peroxide teething whitening?

Hydrogen peroxide is a teeth whitener, google "hydrogen peroxide teeth."

What is the solvent and solute of hydrogen peroxide?

The material most commonly called "hydrogen peroxide", especially by non-chemists, is a solution of the solute hydrogen peroxide in water as the solvent.

Is hydrogen peroxide the same as peroxide?

Peroxide is an compound that can be a part of another chemical to form a molecule. Hydrogen peroxide is two hydrogen atoms attached to a peroxide molecule, forming hydrogen peroxide. Peroxide itself (O2) only exists as molecular oxygen when it is not attached to another chemical.

What the forumla of hydrogen peroxide?

The formula of hydrogen peroxide is H2O2

What is the valence of hydrogen peroxide?

The valence of hydrogen peroxide is -1.

What is the element for h202?

H2O2 is the formula for hydrogen peroxide.

Is hydrogen peroxide the same as hydrogen peroxide solution?

No, hydrogen peroxide refers to the chemical compound H2O2, which is a colorless liquid. Hydrogen peroxide solution is a diluted form of hydrogen peroxide mixed with water, commonly found in concentrations of 3% or 0.5%.

Is hydrogen peroxide a nonmetal?

Yes hydrogen is a non metal