It is possible; it depends on the drug. Don't confuse infertile with impotent. Impotence is when a man cannot achieve and maintain an erection. A man can be impotent and fertile. Impotence is a side effect of some drugs.
They are many reason why people are infertile of them it is radiation.Long time radiation for any reason can make males infertile.Other causative agent can be genetic or physiologic. Using testosterone can make males infertile.
Drugs become illegal when law makers decide to pass laws saying these drugs are illegal.
then you are in a females case infertile or in a males case sterile
they help you to get pregnant,if you are infertile
Illegal drugs mean drugs which is not accepted or it's against the law to use them
Three illegal drugs are: heroin, cocaine, and methamphetamines.
The average percentage of teenagers who have tried, done and are still doing illegal drugs is 72.7%. More than 35% of the teenagers I have asked at my school have said they have tried, done, and are still doing illegal drugs.
Infertility drugs are medicines that help bring about pregnancy.
yes it is, you are assosiated with the drugs and the drug buyer.
It depends on the drugs. Most illegal drugs are illegal because they're harmful in some way, but just being illegal is harm enough for them to be worth avoiding.
Since this is in the illegal drugs section, you are never allowed.....because the drugs in question are illigal. Hence, the illegal drugs section.
No. Nobody should be making illegal drugs at all. Illegal drugs are made to destroy humans inside their body and that is very dangerous. Illegal drugs should not be made at all, they should be thrown away or be destroyed.