can a neck problem cause numbess in feet
No; Lipitor is not a psychoactive drug and would not cause a false urine test for amphetamines.
Panic attacks and allergic reactions
The cause for arthritis is unknown
Neuropathy is a condition where damage has been done to the nerves. This can cause weakness, numbness, and pain in the hands and feet.
I think so.
Im not sure if it does, but i took 80mg today and I have numbness in some of my finger tips and one of my toes. Not an expert or anything, but my guess is yes.
Because the herpes virus affects nerves, and is dormant in nerves, an outbreak of any kind of herpes can cause some numbness and tingling in the area.
Yes, giving blood can cause numbness in fingers however, this is not a normal reaction. If you experience numbness in your fingers after giving blood, you should contact your doctor immediately.
Yes, heavy bleeding and fibroid pressing on nerves can cause pelvic pain and numbness.