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Obvs, He obvs doesn't love ya or he wouldn't have strayed wiv a woman haf yo age...

nosh me

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Q: Can he love his mistress more than his wife?
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How do you know if your boyfriend is in love with his mistress?

Your boyfriend is in love with his mistress if he is not giving you as much sex as he used to and he wants to spend more time with her than with you.

Can a mistress really end up with the husband?

Yes a husband CAN love a mistress but he CAN'Ttruly love his wife as well. If he truly loved his wife then he wouldn't need to have a mistress on the side. True love isn't spread around (other than family and friends) but able to be given to one other person and ONLY one other person, otherwise it is just lust.

Did oskar Schindler have more than one wife?

no but he had a mistress who he moved to argebtina with him

As the mistress how do you move on when he decides to stay with his wife but you are both in love?

2 things either he likes his wife better than you or hes an idiot. its simple really

Should i leave my wife to be with my mistress?

If you have kids this is a bad idea. If you don't and your mistress has bigger boobs, go for it. Remember the grass always looks greener from across the street. Plus everything new seems more exciting than what you have everyday, just because it seems better does not mean that it is. ANSWER: If you think you love your mistress more than your wife, yes you can so she will not be hurting anymore. File a divorce so that way it will not be immoral especially when it comes to god's eyes. But do remember, what you did towards your wife will come back to you, whether you like it or not.

Should the mistress try to leave the man she is deeply in love with to look for someone single or wait?

Is she in love or lust? If he is cheating on his wife for the mistress. Chances are he'll get another mistress if she becomes his 2nd wife. Drop him and find someone who will be faithful to the women he makes commitments to.

What do you do if you are married and love your mistress?

Sit down and think, if it wasn't for the mistress, would you want to leave your wife? If you are doing it for yourself (and as a bonus get to be with the other woman that you love) then go for it!

Would a guy not talk to his mistress as much if he was getting feelings for her or could it be something else?

Normally he will love his mistress or he wouldn't leave his wife.

Can you love your wife and mistress?

Sure. It is possible to 'love' more then one person. I have been down that same road before. But if you really 'LOVE' your wife then you should dump the mistress before you get caught. I had a affair for 15 years. It started before I got married and continued. Only after I caught my wife cheating on me with a ex-school friend did I see what I had right in front of me. Try to make the most of life with the person you are married to.

Will you keep your mistress in 2011?

You should not have a mistress during any year and be more worried if you will still have a wife in 2011.

Why man appear to love their mistress more than their wives?

It depends on the circumstances but you are right when it comes to mistresses. When a married men do have the affair, their life do change, exciting moment, different out look, new surrounding and most a new woman who is not even close to his wife. The mistress gives everything to her married man, especially time and attention. They can talk about everything especially the intimate subject that supposed for man and his wife. The facts of this relationship is his wife is always busy without taking some kind of break. With this scenario, that how and when a married man start having a different feelings for his mistress. And yes in scale of 1-10 8% of the married men did love the mistress more than their wife...

What would make a married man think of his ex mistress?

The only thing I can think of for a married man to think of his ex mistress is if he fell in love with her and he don't love his wife anymore, got spoiled on everything from her. And maybe his ex mistress is good in bed, not like his wife just doing the same old thing.