Usually no if you ain't feeling it after 3 hours they're just bunk, but I've had friends pop feel nothing for 2-3 hours, fall asleep and wake up rolling the next morning
Ecstasy actually will make you lose weight. The methanphetamine in ecstasy makes it highly addictive. Unlike marijuana, ecstasy makes you not want to eat for many hours. So the more you take ecstasy, the less you'll eat.
Neither is. They're equal.
It depends what you consider side effects, but by most definitions ecstasy.
This means "I am working for twenty-three more hours" in English.
6 hours
because they want more people in the ground. more like sunday trading hours if you catch my drift!
More than likely its ecstasy.
one kick more than a single kick......two kicks.
No, not if you regularly get more than three hours of sleep.
dancing on ecstasy can be risky because it can lead to death, organ failure, hypothermia, damage to the heart, and much more.
dancing on ecstasy can be risky because it can lead to death, organ failure, hypothermia, damage to the heart, and much more.