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Being skinny will not really affect your periods unless you are anemic.

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Q: Can being skinny affect your period?
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Just exercise more.

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It's called being underweight or too skinny.

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no you cant die from being skinny but you can die if your to skinny if you think your to skinny you should ask your doctor you never know it might save your life.

Losing weight can affect your menstrual cycle But how much weight does that mean?

Being skinny, or losing a lot of weight, shouldn't affect your menstrual cycle unless it's a very drastic change. When you become very skinny, your body decides that it's 'not fit' to have a baby, so it halts the production of eggs, and hence the uterine lining, which is what you shed (blood) during menstruation. No eggs, not uterine lining, no period. So unless you lost A LOT of weight and were OVERLY active, odds are you wouldn't have any problems.