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It depends what kind of bacteria you're talking about. Our bodies naturally contain bacteria that helps us digest food.

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Q: Can bacteria harmful to humans
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How much percent of bacteria are harmful?

Only 1% of bacteria is harmful to humans

How does bacteria affect human health?

Some bacteria are beneficial to humans, and some bacteria are harmful to humans.

Is bactria harmful or helpful?

Bacteria can be both harmful and helpful. Harmful bacteria can cause diseases in humans, animals, and plants. However, some bacteria are beneficial and play important roles in processes like digestion, nutrient cycling, and decomposition.

Are pathogenic bacteria benificial or harmful to humans?

The word pathogenic means disease causing. So they can be harmful...but some pathogenic bacteria only are harmful to plants or dogs or cats, etc.

Is penicillian harmful to humans?

no, its an anti-biotic that kills most bacteria.

Is bacteria in compost harmful?

No, bacteria in compost are beneficial for breaking down organic matter and aiding in the decomposition process. These bacteria help create nutrient-rich soil that can be beneficial for plants and gardening.

What kinds of bacteria are harmful?

Some common harmful bacteria include Escherichia coli (E. coli), Salmonella, Streptococcus pyogenes, and Staphylococcus aureus. These bacteria can cause various infections and illnesses in humans.

What makes some bacteria harmful?

Some bacteria produce toxins that can harm the host, while others can invade tissues and cause infections. Pathogenic bacteria can also evade the host's immune system, leading to disease. In addition, some bacteria can develop resistance to antibiotics, making infections difficult to treat.

How can bacteria be helpful to humans?

helpful bacteria helps digest food in our bodies and the bacteria in our mouth, noise and throat help to keep harmful bacteria out!

How can bacteria to helpful to humans?

helpful bacteria helps digest food in our bodies and the bacteria in our mouth, noise and throat help to keep harmful bacteria out!

What are the following describe a way in which bacteria are harmful to humans?

Bacteria can be harmful by causing infections in the body, leading to illnesses such as pneumonia, urinary tract infections, and food poisoning. They can also produce toxins that can cause severe symptoms or conditions, like botulism or tetanus. Additionally, some bacteria are resistant to antibiotics, making infections difficult to treat effectively.

Is bacteria harmful or useful?

Bacteria can be both harmful and useful. Harmful bacteria can cause infections and diseases, while useful bacteria play important roles in processes such as food fermentation, digestion, and nutrient recycling in the environment. The vast majority of bacteria are harmless or even beneficial to humans and the environment.