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no. sometimes more than one egg matures and both or more can be fertilized. then the infants are sister and sister or brother and sister or brother and brother, not true twins.

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Q: Can an egg split before fertilization?
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How is fertilization of the egg accomplished?

Fertilization of an egg happens before it is laid.

When do organ begin to develop in human?

in the egg cell after fertilization...or after fertilization and before birth

How many days do the sperms have to get to the egg?

Sperm have about three days to make it to the egg for fertilization before the egg passes out of the uterus and dies.

How many times does the female egg split?

The female egg splits only once during fertilization. This split occurs after the egg is fertilized by a sperm, resulting in the formation of a zygote that will develop into an embryo.

What comes before fertilization in embryology?

Before fertilization in embryology, the egg and sperm undergo a process called gametogenesis where they mature, and then they are released from the ovaries and testes. Once released, they meet during fertilization to form a zygote.

The joining of an egg and a sperm is called?


How do you have more than one kid?

After fertilization while the egg is developing into an embryo, a cell may split off and form a separate fetus.

Process of uniting an egg with a sperm?

The process of uniting an egg with a sperm is called fertilization. It occurs when a sperm cell penetrates the outer layer of an egg cell and fuses with the egg's nucleus, forming a zygote. This marks the beginning of a new organism's development.

What is a Fertilization egg?

a dark egg It is an egg that is alive.

How many egg cells does a female sheep have ready for fertilisation before mating occurs?

A female sheep typically has around 400-500 egg cells ready for fertilization before mating occurs. These egg cells are stored in the sheep's ovaries and are released during the estrous cycle for potential fertilization. Each estrous cycle typically releases one egg cell for potential fertilization, but multiple egg cells can be released in some cases.

Fertilization of the ovum occurs where?

Fertilization of the ovum typically occurs in the fallopian tube, not long after ovulation. The sperm meets the egg in the fallopian tube, and fertilization usually takes place there before the fertilized egg then travels to the uterus for implantation.

When the fertilization occurs?

When sperm fuses with egg it is called fertilization .