It depends on the State that you live in. Certainly you cannot drive without insurance at all. You may have a statutory fine for having a registered vehicle without having insurance on the vehicle if there is a lapse in coverage. If you are a repeat offender then you may have a period of time where your license is suspended.
Yes, it is possible for a woman to get pregnant on her period. Remember, sperm can live for 3-5 days in the woman.
NO, you need live. Period.
:) Live with it, just make up to her when she's not on her period!
Only if her name is Claire.
They can live without oxygen for a short period of time.
Without a period, this sentence is incomplete or Humans cannot live without food or water.
It's impossible to be able to obtain free demos from the Xbox Live marketplace without having a working connection for one, and without having a working gold membership account.
No. Platypuses cannot live without water, even for a short period of time. They need it to drink and as a food source.
fisically yes, but woman always or almost always help life go easier! lol
if we had just one type we wouldn't be able to reproduce