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It depends on the State that you live in. Certainly you cannot drive without insurance at all. You may have a statutory fine for having a registered vehicle without having insurance on the vehicle if there is a lapse in coverage. If you are a repeat offender then you may have a period of time where your license is suspended.

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Q: What is the normal waiting period to get car insurance if you have not had car insurance for a period of time?
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What is waiting period in life insurance?

Waiting period may refer to the period of time from when you apply for coverage until you actually are insured by the policy. In addition, some graded benefit life insurance policies do not have full coverage from the first day you are insured. These graded plans may have full coverage after a two year waiting period.

At what time does an insurance policy go into effect?

In most cases an insurance policy for a car goes into effect the moment the first payment is made. In the case of medical insurance there might be a waiting period based on the insurance company. Life insurance usually goes into effect after the first payment is made, but there might also be a waiting period before benefits will be issued.

Do you know anyone that has had to wait on a life insurance settlement?

Their is usually some waiting period for a life insurance settlement, but it usually does not take a long time. If too much time goes by without receiving your settlement, I would contact the life insurance company.

What is called reinsurance?

When we go for insurance , the insurance have a time period for which it will be valid. When we want to extend the time period of the insurance,we have to do reinsurance.

Can you get insurance if you are not pregnant but are trying to conceive?

The simple answer is Yes. You can obtain health insurance if you are trying to conceive, you are actually even able to purchase health insurance in the event that you are already pregnant. But (and it is a BIG but) you should be aware that almost allhealth insurance plans will place a waiting period on maternity coverage.A waiting period is the amount of time from the start of a plan where you are not eligible to claim for treatment for a specific condition.If, for example, a maternity benefit on a health insurance plan has a waiting period of 10 months; this means that you will not be able to claim for any treatment that you have received in conjunction with your pregnancy if it was obtained before you were on the plan for 10 months.The waiting periods concerning maternity are different with almost all insurance companies. Some plans will stipulate that you only have to be on the policy for a certain period of time until you can claim treatment, while others will impose a waiting period until conception (typically 12 months).So yes you can obtain insurance, but you may not be able to claim for the treatment, depending on the policy conditions of the plan that you purchase. I recommend talking to a broker or an agent who will be able to give you the best option for your situation.

Does a company have to offer health insurance to all employees?

No it can have eligibility limitations as setup by the business structure. For example some only offer insurance for full-time employees and others hve a longer waiting period for part-time employees

What kinda of insurance protection is set for a period of time?

The Term life insurance is the kind of insurance protection that is set for a period of time.

What is an insurance policy?

Insurance is purchased for a specific period of time, which is usually a month, a quarter, or a year. When the time period is over, the insurance will lapse unless you renew it by paying for another period of time.

Is pregnancy considered a preexisting condition by insurance companies?

Yes. Many insurance companies will place a waiting period on maternity coverage to ensure that the policyholder is not purely purchasing the policy to take advantage of a maternity benefit. The typical waiting period for a maternity benefit is between 12 and 24 months from the start of the plan. It is important to note, however, that it can be possible to receive a newborn coverage benefit at a much earlier time (in some cases as early as 6 months). If you have your delivery during the policy waiting period for maternity then none of your expenses will be reimbursed by the insurer. It is important that all policyholders understand how long the waiting period is for all benefits on their health insurance plan.

What is an insurance policy renewal?

Insurance is purchased for a specific period of time, which is usually a month, a quarter, or a year. When the time period is over, the insurance will lapse unless you renew it by paying for another period of time.

What is the waiting period in life insurance?

There is a lot of confusion regarding waiting periods in life insurance primarily because there are two different definitions based on the type of coverage purchased. In the vast majority of policies, those with paramedic exams and most simplified issue contracts there is no waiting period. However, there is a two-year period of contestability. If the insured dies within this time frame, the insurance company has the right to investigate and make sure there was no fraud in the application and the insured did not die from suicide. Guaranteed Issue coverage has a two year waiting period before benefits are paid. However, if the insured dies within this time frame, usually all premiums and interest are returned to the policy owner. There are also some variations to this based on contract and insured's health.

What is disability insurance?

Disability Income Insurance pays a monthly benefit if you are unable to work and earn an income due to an illness or injury. There are two types of disability insurance: short-term disability insurance and long-term disability insurance. Each type of disability income insurance has a waiting period and a benefit period. Waiting period is the amount of time before the policy starts paying benefits (8 days, 15 days, 30 days, 90 days, 180 days), and the benefit period is the duration of benefits (30 days, 6 months, 12 months, 2 years, 5 years, to age 65, 70).