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In most cases an insurance policy for a car goes into effect the moment the first payment is made. In the case of medical insurance there might be a waiting period based on the insurance company. Life insurance usually goes into effect after the first payment is made, but there might also be a waiting period before benefits will be issued.

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Q: At what time does an insurance policy go into effect?
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Does your car insurance go up when someone backs into your car when your not in it?

Normally this would not cause an insurance policy to increase, but it is possible. Every insurance company is different and have different rates. You should check with your insurance company directly and ask. Not at fault accidents can effect the price of a policy when the policy is new business with a company.

If you bought an insurance policy that does not go into effect until midnight and you have an accident at 11pm will your vehicle be covered?

No. After midnight, it's another day.

You are not under your fathers insurance but you got pulled over for speeding and received 4 points does the insurance go up?

Any time you have an accident or ticket on your record, insurance companies will sur-charge you for it. Since your not under your fathers policy, it will not effect it. Keep in mind that you MUST disclose all information to the insurance company. This includes all drivers that primarily reside at the resident. All drivers must be dis-closed, at this point and time you can either include drivers in the policy, or exclude them where they are not covered in the policy.

Can a wife take out a life insurance policy on her husband?

yes you can just go to a insurance place and take out insurance policy he will have to be there also,

If you change the deductible on an insurance policy is there a grace period for that to go into effect?

Probably midnight that day or maybe 12:01 a.m. the night before.

How do i resolve a failure to provide insurance ticket if I had insurance at the time but didn't have the proof in the car?

Go to court with proof of insurance stating it was in effect on the date of the violation.

What is a decreasing term life insurance policy?

A decreasing term life insurance policy is one that offers a steadily declinintg life insurance benefit as the years go by. This kind of policy is often called "mortgage protection" term life insurance and is often bought for a length of time that matches one's mortgage period.

Where can I find out if my insurance covers bariatric surgery?

To find out if your insurance will cover bariatric surgery, look at the insurance policy. You should either have a hard copy of the policy that was sent via mail, or you can go online to the insurance website to access this policy.

How does one go about getting an individual health insurance policy during periods of unemployment?

There are many ways one might go about receiving an individual health insurance policy while unemployment. The most reputable resource of information during this time would be an unemployment office.

How do you go about cashing in on a life insurance policies?

You just contact the insurance company that issued the policy.

Where can you cash in your policy and How does one go about cashing in the existing policy?

A life insurance policy since 1953 needs to be cashed in

Who is entitled to insurance proceeds between tenant and landlord?

That depends on the type of insurance policy it is. If it's the landlord's policy on his building, with him paying the premiums, then the insurance benefits go to him. For the insurance money to go to you, then you would have had to have taken out renters insurance, with you paying the premiums, insuring the contents (your personal belongings).