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Q: Can a woman get pregnant during intercourse with a man who had his prostate removed?
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Is a transurethral resection of the prostate a laparoscopic procedure to remove all or part of the prostate gland?

Transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) is a urological procedure used to treat benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH). During the procedure tissue is removed by electrocautery or sharp dissection. Only portions of the prostate gland are removed during TURP.

Can you get pregNant three months into your pregnancy?

If your already pregnant and have sexual intercourse during anytime of your pregnancy you can not get pregnant.

Is the prostate removed during rectostomy?

== == That depends on the *reason* for the rectostomy, (or proctostomy, which is the same thing.) If there is cancer involved in the prostate, then yes, it will be removed. If the prostate is unaffected by the current disease process that is causing the need for the proctostomy then most likely it will be left intact.

What is the most favourable position during intercourse to get pregnant?

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Sharp cramps during intercourse last for ten mins could I be pregnant?

yes. you are pregnant. You are so pregnant even pregnant people will call you pregnant.

When is it eayeSt for a girl to get pregnAnt?

When a guy does not use a condom during sexual intercourse.

Does a girl have to ovulate to get pregnant?

Yes, because it is only there that she can release an egg and if during ovulation she had an intercourse there is a chance of getting pregnant.

If you kiss a girl in period time is she pregnant?

no of coarse not it happen during sexual intercourse

Will you get pregnant if you have intercourse during 10 days before my expected mense?

yes u can

Does a transgender need a mammogram?

Most likely. This a good question to as the doctor treating you. I have heard of a transgendered male who had prostate cancer since the prostate was not removed during surgery.

Can a girl get pregnant if she takes bath with her partner?

The girl will not get pregnant unless she has sexual intercourse with her boy friend. There are high chances that she will go for sexual intercourse with her boy friend during taking a bath.

Where can you find the pills that get you pregnant?

There are no pills that can help you get pregnant 'quickly' except perhaps Exstacy or a date rape drug that knocks you out and allows unscrupulous and criminal males to have intercourse without your consent. You get pregnant from having sexual intercourse during the time of ovulation. The amount and frequency of intercourse during ovulation will increase the odds, but there is no 'pill' to make it happen.