If your leaves you and are in chanrge of the house, then you certainly may change the locks. Ideally this would be done through a court order, however when one of the spouces vacate a propriety they are in fact turning ownership to the other spouce.
It is not legal in Massachusetts for a husband to lock his wife out of their home. One wonders where you got that idea.
Your husband is not allowed to lock you out of any room in your house.
Yes. The husband would be the sole owner of the property and could leave it to his wife in his will.
well house wife's should have time to be with there husband
house wife
No, because it is both of your homes.
depend on you country law
yes indeed
house man
sati is when the husband dies and the wife has to die with him.if the wife doesnt die then they were kept lock in the room and not given any food as they would think that the husband died because the wife is unlucky
Please kindly note the decree said that the husband would buy the wife a house of her own , and no trustee part appeared in the decree , so the husband is wrong.
Husband (Old English husbonda) means "house-holder," and wife (OE wif) means "woman."