Patients who smoke may be asked to stop the day before the test. This helps decrease the chance of nausea or headaches after the myelogram
An x-ray record of the spinal cord is called myelogram or myelography.
myelogram, but being replaced by CT scan and MRI's
eletromyogram; myelogram
A myelogram takes approximately 30-60 minutes
According to the Medical Encyclopedia:"Patients should be well hydrated at the time of a myelogram. Increasing fluids the day before the study is usually recommended. All food and fluid intake should be stopped approximately four hours before the myelogram."Certain medications may need to be stopped for one to two days before myelography is performed. These include some antipsychotics, antidepressants, blood thinners, and diabetic medications. Patients should consult with their physician and/or the facility where the study is to be done."Patients who smoke may be asked to stop the day before the test. This helps decrease the chance of nausea or headaches after the myelogram. Immediately before the examination, patients should empty their bowels and bladder."For more information -- and to access more links -- see via the Related Link. (See the pale blue box with links to more information about Myelography):* Definition * Purpose * Precautions * Preparation * Aftercare * Risks * Normal results * Abnormal results * Resource
A normal myelogram would show a spinal canal of normal width, with no areas of constriction or obstruction
The medical term for a record of the spinal cord is myelogram. Though very accurate, taking a myelogram is associated with risks mostly due to exposure to X-rays.
A myelogram may reveal a herniated disk, tumor, bone spurs, or narrowing of the spinal canal
A myelogram may reveal a herniated disk, tumor, bone spurs, or narrowing of the spinal canal (spinal stenosis).
The result of a radiographic examination.
A myelogram combines x rays with an injection of dye into the spinal canal and allows for detailed visualization of the spinal canal and nerve roots.