A myelogram combines x rays with an injection of dye into the spinal canal and allows for detailed visualization of the spinal canal and nerve roots.
Whiplash is difficult to diagnose because x rays and other imaging studies do not always reveal changes in bone structure
An x-ray record of the spinal cord is called myelogram or myelography.
An electromyogram (EMG) may also be used to determine the health of nerves and muscles using electrical impulses.
myelogram, but being replaced by CT scan and MRI's
eletromyogram; myelogram
A myelogram takes approximately 30-60 minutes
A myelogram is used to diagnose spinal cord or nerve root compression by injecting contrast dye into the spinal canal and performing imaging studies to visualize the spinal cord and nerve roots. It can help identify causes of back or leg pain, spinal stenosis, herniated discs, or tumors that are not clearly visible on other imaging tests like x-rays or MRI.
A normal myelogram would show a spinal canal of normal width, with no areas of constriction or obstruction
The medical term for a record of the spinal cord is myelogram. Though very accurate, taking a myelogram is associated with risks mostly due to exposure to X-rays.
A myelogram may reveal a herniated disk, tumor, bone spurs, or narrowing of the spinal canal
A myelogram may reveal a herniated disk, tumor, bone spurs, or narrowing of the spinal canal (spinal stenosis).