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An electromyogram (EMG) may also be used to determine the health of nerves and muscles using electrical impulses.

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Q: How does an electromyogram diagnose whiplash?
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How is whiplash diagnosed?

Whiplash is difficult to diagnose because x rays and other imaging studies do not always reveal changes in bone structure

What is the medical term meaning record of muscle electricity?

Medical term for record of electricity is electromyogram

What does the medical abbreviation EMG stand for?


How does a myelogram diagnose whiplash?

A myelogram combines x rays with an injection of dye into the spinal canal and allows for detailed visualization of the spinal canal and nerve roots.

What is difference between electromyogram and electromyelogram?

An electromyogram (EMG) is a test used to evaluate the electrical activity produced by muscles. On the other hand, an electromyelogram (EMylg) is not a standard medical term and may be a typographical error or confusion with EMG.

What is the single fiber electromyogram test to diagnose myasthenia gravis?

SFEMG is the most sensitive clinical test of neuromuscular transmission and shows increased jitter in some muscles in almost all patients with myasthenia gravis. Jitter is greatest in weak muscles.

What can go wrong with an electromyogram?

yo muscle can get punctured inni?

What constitutes a whiplash compensation claim?

A whiplash Compensation claim is all down to how serious the whiplash is (this is how it affects the neck and back), who's fault the whiplash is. And also if the person has a job which the whiplash may affect.

What purpose does an electromyogram serve?

an electromyogram (EMG), is used to measure the activity of muscles and to provide clues to the cause of muscle weakness or paralysis, muscle problems such as muscle twitching, numbness, tingling, or pain

What you average settlements for whiplash?

What is the average whiplash settlement

When was Whiplash - comics - created?

Whiplash - comics - was created in 1990.

When was Whiplash - band - created?

Whiplash - band - was created in 1984.