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Disorder and diseases that cause blood and mucus in stool:

Acute Alcohol Consumption (excessive drinking can cause bloody mucus in the stool)

Andrade's Syndrome

Bowel Obstructions

Celiac Disease

Chronic Diarrhea, Idiopathic (can cause bloody mucus in the stool)

Colon Cancer

Acute Constipation, Dyschazia (can cause bloody mucus on the stool)

Crohn's Disease

Drug Side effects (can cause bloody mucus in the stool)

Carnitine Transporter Deficiencye

Cystic Fibrosis


Anus Fissures E.coli (causes bloody mucus in the stool)

Gastroenteritis (Influenza) (can cause blood and mucus in stools)

Hemorrhagic Gastroenteritis

Internal Hemorrhoids (can cause bloody mucus in the stool, too)

Intestinal Bacterial Infection

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Liver Disease

Pancreatitis Blind-loop Syndrome

Pancreatic Disorder

Pancreatitis Syndrome

Pelvic Abscess

Pelvic Lipomastosis

Proctitis Juvenile

Rectal Cancer

Rectal Prolapse


Ulcerative Colitis

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13y ago
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10y ago

If there is mucus and blood in your stool, chances are you're suffering from a stomach virus or you are dehydrated. Your best bet would be to drink electrolyte drinks and water. If it continues, make an appointment with your doctor ASAP!

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13y ago

If you have blood in your feces, it usually means that there is a sore in the intestinal lining somewhere. Blood in the feces is always something to be concerned about so if you are defecating blood, you should see a doctor as quickly as possible.

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16y ago

One cause could possibly be inflammatory bowel disease. However, any blood in your stool is abnormal and should be checked about by a doctor.

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17y ago

This is a question for a qualified medical doctor. I would immediately seek professional help

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12y ago

It means you have a ruptured ulcer! Most likely you have one week before your kidneys fail and u die!

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12y ago

dont poo so hard.

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Q: Blood mucus in stool
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What does mucus in stool indicate?

A small amount of mucus in the stool is normal. A doctor should be consulted it it becomes a regular occurrence or if it is accompanied by blood in the stool. This may be an indication of more serious conditions including Crohn's Disease, ulcerative colitis or cancer.

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Some mucus in the stool is normal. Conditions like irritable bowel syndrome and ulcerative colitis can cause more mucus in the stool.

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A cat's stool could be a light beige color due to the meal the cat has eaten. The color of a stool can change and there is nothing to worry about unless there is mucus or blood.

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Answer: Passage of mucus in stool can suggest colitis, infection or a villus adenoma / polyp. You need to see your Doctor to check this out

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what do you do when u have blood in your stool

What causes blood in children's feces?

If the blood looks bright red and is not associated with pain it is probably due to rectal polyp. Infection can also cause some blood to appear in stool. In this case blood is usually mixed with fecal matter and appears darker in color. Very hard stool can cause some damage to the mucus membrane and can cause bleeding.

Why would there be mucus in a child?

If you are worried take the child to a doctor with a sample of the stool. Everyone has mucus in their stool to some extent. The bowel is lined with mucous membrane which helps the passage of the stool. Sometimes it becomes excessive if there is an inflammation, or the bowel is irritated (for example by spicy food). If the child is healthy and apart from this the stools are normal and the mucus is not bloodstained, forget about it.

Does the colon secrete mucus?

Yes, the colon does secrete mucus to help lubricate the passage of stool and protect its lining from damage.

Mucus in dog's stool?

Mucus in a dog's stool can be a sign of intestinal inflammation, infection, or irritation. It may also indicate the presence of parasites or dietary issues. If mucus is consistently present in your dog's stool, it is best to consult a veterinarian for proper evaluation and treatment.

Mucus in stool and stomach pain after eating undone pork?

Go to the doctor.

What does negative blood in stool test mean?

Negative blood in stool test means no blood was found in that particular smear from that particular stool sample. Good news.

Can a herniated disc cause blood in the stool?

No, a herniated disc does not cause blood in the stool. See your health care provider, as blood in the stool always deserves a visit.