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Cardboard is typically a rough surface, and fingernails are typically smooth. If your fingernails feel like cardboard, it may be wise to visit a doctor to ensure nothing is wrong with you body.

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Q: Are your fingernails like cardboard
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Do manatees have fingernails?

All species of manatee have fingernails, apart from the the Amazonian manatee and the dugong, they do not have fingernails.

How are fingernails and hair a like?

They are both made out of protein

What is uñas in English?

uñas are nails. (like fingernails).

Does cardboard absorb oxygen?

No, cardboard does not absorb oxygen. Cardboard is made from cellulose fibers and does not have the ability to absorb gases like oxygen.

What was the hooperville like in Bud Not Buddy?

It's a town made out of cardboard.

Why do feet feel like cardboard is glued to the bottoms?

because they have thick skin on them, and cardboard is also thick. A bit like you :)

Why do cats like to chew on cardboard?

Cats like to chew on cardboard because it helps them keep their teeth healthy and clean. Chewing on cardboard also helps cats relieve stress and boredom.

ARE fingernails nucleic acids?

No, fingernails are not nucleic acids. Nucleic acids are biological macromolecules like DNA and RNA that store and transmit genetic information, while fingernails are made of a tough protein called keratin.

How does cardboard burn?

Cardboard is made like paper, but it burns a little differently. The holes in cardboard gives it a lot of oxegon. The oxegon helps it burn.

What tastes like carboard?

# # cardboard # paper # plastic # wood # # cardboard # paper # plastic # wood FISH!