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Blue fingernails should look fungi infection

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Q: What do blue fingernails look like?
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Which of these is a sign of dehydration shivering sleepiness talkativeness blue fingernails?

blue fingernails

What color should you paint your fingernails under glitter polish?

A purple or blue. Metallic colors look cool too!

Why do fingernails turn blue when dead?

Well, the actual nail is always dead, just like your hair. The blue comes from something like a bruise in the skin underneath the nail.

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it look like a light blue witha ski blue

What do blue snails look like?

blue snails look like snails but the slimy bit of the snail is blue

How can I make my teeth look and feel more like real dog teeth?

Eat your fingernails after you clip them.

Why does the actress who plays Kate Roberts on Days of Our Lives have several black fingernails?

The character of Kate Roberts like to take fashion steps to make herself stand out, such as the black fingernails or the blue streak in her hair.

How does a blue whale look like?

It is Blue and Wrinkly

What does a blue blackbird look like?

Blue and Black

Why are my fingernails blue?

If I were you, I would check my drinking water for nitrates. They are responsible for "blue baby syndrome", where skin turns blue, but I don't know about fingernails. nail polish tehe Family Feud answers: nail polish, cold, dead, bruised

How do marine turtles look like?

they look like a turtle but blue

Are blue fingernails a sign of dehydration?

Not really. Blue fingernails can be a sign of hypoxia, a lack of oxygen in the blood. This can happen at high altitude such as mountain climbing or flying in a depressurized airplane higher than about 12,000 feet altitude.