No. Heroin is extremely addictive. There is no such thing as using heroin responsibly.
yes if he/she will take less than or 25g of heroin
It is possible to take any drug reguarlly and not be addicted. However, the odds of you not becoming addicted to opiates is low, as heroin and morphine, both opiates, are highly addictive.
Go cold turkey and do K in place. but don't IV it stick to sniffing. But it will only work if you use it responsibly 3-4 times week max.
a lot of reasons. a lot of excuses. to fill an empty void. to feel good. to escape reality. because, for kids, it's easier to get than alcohol. although heroin is highly addictive, not everyone who uses heroin becomes addicted. a lot of people who use heroin are chippys and use it occasionally without become physically addicted.
james's house
Well, heroin addicts tend to lose track of basic things like eating, so they're often skinny. But becoming addicted to heroin is a bigger health risk than being overweight, so it's not a sensible thing to try.
Because you can get addicted to it quickly
Go to a doctor and ask for help.