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You may want to talk to your doctor before trying anything.

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Q: Are there effects with smoking marijuana while on lovenox?
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Does smoking marijuana once in a while damage lungs?


Once you have smoked marijuana Does smoking salvia make THC levels rise?

My experience is that salvia and marijuana are complimentary. A little pot in a pipe with some salvia sprinkled over it and then smoked - even just one comfortable hit - can prolong the salvia effects while making the marijuana effects clearer.

Is smoking marijuana while on minocycline have bad side effects?

I tried it and honestly I had a weird reaction but maybe it was it was an anxiety attack. It eventually subsided and I enjoyed the high lol

Can you burn fat while smoking marijuana?

yep like if you running whilst smoking you burn fat

Can people gain weight if you continue to smoke marijuana?

Yes. People actually tend to gain weight while smoking marijuana due to the effects of increased appetite and decreased energy. However, THC is stored in a person's fat cells, therefore the more weight you gain, the longer marijuana will be traceable in your system

What can be used instead of screens while smoking marijuana?

foil works pretty good depending on what you are smoking out of. just poke small holes in it.

Is smoking marijuana gentic or environmental while pregnant?

Marijuana is not in the genes so it is an environmental factor. If the cannabis consumption has altered the pregnant female's genes then it would be genetic.

If you stop smoking marijuana willl you become less paranoid and not think you have schizophrenia and personality changes?

if you feel like your are paranoid or schizophrenic while smoking marijuana my advice for you would be to stop, its really not worth it if this is the effect its having on you. Psychology books will tell you that marijuana use can led to a spark in mental illnesses like bipolar disorder.

Can marijuana effect your muscles in your body?

Marijuana, as a depressant, will relax muscles while a person is under the affects of it, but has little to no long term, negative effects (on muscles).

Does smoking a cigarette release nicotine into the bloodstream to a baby while pregnant?

Yes smoking durimg pregnancy can have many effects on the baby, such as a low birth weight

If you can experience a high from smoking marijuana in a dream why couldn't you consciously attain that feeling while awake without consuming any?

many people believe that through meditation you can achieve even greater highs than marijuana.

Can mariwana kill you?

If you tried to use marijuana while you were driving I would say that it could kill you. Or if you were smoking it while you were using a firearm that could kill you or someone else. If you were smoking it and fell asleep and it started a fire, that could kill you. So I would say yes.