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Sperm is a constituent component of seminal fluid (semen). In general there is nothing hazardous or dangerous in swallowing sperm as it is predominantly protein.

However there is a potential risk when swallowing seminal fluid or when performing oral sex of catching a sexually transmitted infection.

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Q: Are there any medical implications to swallowing sperm?
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Swallowing sperm when period is not on and when it do does any affect happens?

No. It won't do anything.

Can you get pregnant if you swallow guy sperm?

Swallowing sperm will not get you pregnant. The stomach acids will kill any living sperm. You can only get pregnant if sperm makes contact with an egg.

Will swallowing a man's semen make him more connected with a female?

No, swallowing a man's semen will not have any medical effect on the couple's connection.

What happens if a guy swallows the sperm of a girl?

Swallowing a girl's sperm is not possible, as females do not produce sperm. If you meant swallowing a girl's vaginal fluid, it is not harmful, as long as the female is free from any sexually transmitted infections. However, it is not a common practice and there may be potential risks involved.

Can a women get pregnant from swallowing sperm?

No, not from swallowing; not at all.The stomach and uterus/ovaries are not connected in that way, and the stomach acids will digest any semen/sperm that it comes into contact with; just fyi, it's actually very nutritious and completely healthy to eat...for man or women.

Can you get pregnant if you swallow the sperm?

Semen generally contains sperm cells, and it is the sperm cells in the semen that cause pregnancy. However, if the man has had a successful vasectomy or had his testes removed, his semen will not contain sperm cells.

If your grl friend drank your sperm so there is any 1 percent of chances dat she bcm pregnant?

It is not possible to get pregnant by swallowing. It has to be vaginally.

Are there any advantages to drinking vaginal fluids?

No, it is no different from swallowing sperm if you're having oral sex with a guy. There's no harm, either, however.

Can sperm transmit STDs just by swallowing it?

If the male has an STD, it is definitely possible to become infected if you swallow his semen. Any contact with bodily fluids can result in infection.

Is there any ayuravedic medicine to increase sperm?

'kaunch pak'.......100% can purchase from any ayurvedic medical store.........(pratap)

How does joe look like from swallowing stones?

Swallowing stones can be harmful and cause complications like damage to the esophagus, stomach, or intestines. If Joe swallowed a stone, he should seek medical attention immediately to prevent any complications or blockages in his digestive system.

Some guy releases sperms everyday from age of 14 will there any problem after marriage?

No, sperm is re-made by the male body rather quickly and an average, healthy man with no medical reason, will never run out of sperm, nor does releasing sperm daily cause any health problems.