Semen generally contains sperm cells, and it is the sperm cells in the semen that cause pregnancy. However, if the man has had a successful vasectomy or had his testes removed, his semen will not contain sperm cells.
human sperm cannot get a cow pregnant. The only species humans can get pregnant with their sperm is another human.
No, blank sperm cells cannot get a girl pregnant. Sperm cells need to be healthy and fully developed in order to fertilize an egg and result in pregnancy. Blank sperm cells typically lack genetic material and are unable to perform fertilization.
Sperm needs to go inside the vagina in order to get pregnant.
Of course not. A female human can only get pregnant with a male human's sperm.
Yes, a female can get pregnant if a male ejaculates sperm into her vagina during sexual intercourse. Sperm can travel through the cervix into the uterus and fallopian tubes, where fertilization can occur if an egg is present.
Swallowing sperm will not get you pregnant. The stomach acids will kill any living sperm. You can only get pregnant if sperm makes contact with an egg.
It is impossible to become pregnant by swallowing semen.
No. The reproductive system of a female is separate from the digestive system in every way. You cannot get pregnant from swallowing sperm.
It is impossible for a female to get pregnant from swallowing sperm.
Absolutely not. No connection whatsoever. Swallow all you want.
no coz u could get pregnant like me and it tased salty ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Can't get pregnant off of swallowing semen
It's probably not safe to swallow H+ sperm whether you're pregnant or not. I am not a clinical doctor, but this is a question you should ask him or her for a definitive answer to. (And trust me, you won't be the first person to tell her doctor that she swallows semen...)
if you swallow anything where does it go? the stomach
Honey, let me break it down for you. Pregnancy occurs when sperm fertilizes an egg in the uterus, not in the stomach. So unless that sperm has a GPS and can find its way to the egg through some serious acrobatics, you're not going to get pregnant from swallowing sperm. Just remember, the digestive system and the reproductive system are two very different party zones.
No. If you are pregnant, swallowed sperm will not affect the baby. If you are not pregnant, swallowing sperm will not make you pregnant.