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Q: Are there any long term damages 2 your brain after you take shrooms?
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How long does the drug shrooms take to start working?

30-45 min. chew well with no other food.

How long does it take to recover from acid rain damages?

25 to 100 years

What happens if you take shrooms twice in a row with no sleep?

You will probaly die

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2 years and 42 days

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after the blood circulation stops how long does the brain take to die

Can you get high smoking shrooms?

NO, this will take out all the hallucinogenics in the shroom making it useless

How long should it take to get compensated for damages to your car?

Ask the insurance company or your insurance agent.

How long does it take to perform a brain biopsy?

About an hour

How long does it take to transfer pain to the brain?

Not that long. It will hert for a while thow.

How long does it take for your brain to send messages to your brain?

Im not sure your brain sends your brain messages. correct me if im wrong people.

Can you take shrooms with anti depressants?

No this is not recommended at all. Shrooms can cause a great deal of anxiety even if you have a very clean and happy experience. Anti-depressants can exacerbate this anxiety to very profound levels. This can cause the user to become extremely paranoid and anxious and lead to a trip to the hospital. If you're going to trip shrooms, don't take the anti-depressants. Also, if you are being prescribed anti-depressants you should steer clear of hallucinogenics because they temporarily alter your brain chemistry and can lead to depression or the "blues" for a few days after the trip (from first hand experience multiple times). If you're already depressed it will only be worse. Please be nice to your brain. (From an experienced tripper and microbiology student)

How long does it take to get insurance money for damages done to your vehicle in an auto accident?

It can take up to six months or longer if there where injuries involved.